Increase Productivity
According to a McKinsey report, employees spend 1.8 hours every day—9.3 hours per week, on average—searching and gathering information. Why? Because 90% of all corporate documentation still resides on paper, and one in every 10 documents is lost, misfiled or lying on somebody else's desk. No business can afford to waste resources. Paper files prevent your employees from accessing what they need, when they need it.
Putting documents within reach
Finding and retrieving a document is far faster with eBridge. Provide better customer service by having the flexibility to quickly retrieve any type of document right from your PC or mobile device. Eliminate costly re-filing mistakes while maintaining the freedom to remotely access files from your office, your home, or on the road.
Speeding up day-to-day tasks
Since there is no limit to how many people can access electronic documents at one time, information flows freely, and work is completed quickly. eBridge is more than a replacement for your filing system — it doubles as a collaboration tool, allowing workers in separate offices to view the same documents online instead of relying on paper copies, faxes or cumbersome email attachments.
Working from anywhere
eBridge isn't limited to just your office space. Depending on access controls you assign, your staff, clients, and customers can have the freedom to retrieve, import, or scan in documents instantly. Need a signed document from a client? No problem. On the road and have a large batch of files to send to a staffmember or customer? We've got you covered. eBridge is flexible and accessible for your sepecific needs — 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Expediting workflow
Routing workloads to employees has never been easier. Leverage your employee's talents and expertise by posting task-specific assignments. Queue up tasks for each station in your processing workflow and operate as a well-oiled machine. With eBridge, you always have a solid understanding of what stage your projects are in.